Annotated Bibliography

Anderson ,  Rourke,  Garrison,  & Archer . (2001). Assessing teaching presence in a computer conferencing context.  Retrieved from
This paper has an in-depth description of how to conduct an online class using the idea of teaching presence.  This is broken into the three elements of cognitive presence, social presence and teaching presence.  The concept is further broken down into design, facilitating, and direct instruction.  I did not use the assessment area but the article was very helpful at giving me an overview of the social presence idea.  There are several “Tables” with very good illustrations of how to handle different situations.

  Barseghian, T. (2011, August 5).  Retrieved from

              This blog has many ideas that should be helpful to teachers of all disciplines.

 Baumbach, D., & Lee, J. (2012). Retrieved from

               Originally written for library Media Specialists, this wiki contains many up-to-date descriptions and links to tools everyone can use.

 Beyer, M., Heberlein, D., & Sandmire, T. (2004) WSU provides all on-campus services to online learners. Distance Education Report, 8(15) 8-8. Retrieved from
A description of services offered by Washington State University.  Included are many examples of how the entire university can become a community of support for online students.

Bowles, S., Silvano, R., & Silvano, S. (2005). Personal preference profile.  Retrieved from

Colorado, J., Childress, M., & Holland, J. (Producer). (2009). Instructor interaction and course design factors on student sense of classroom community in an online learning environment.  Retrieved from           
This is a short slideshow that explains a survey examining how the instructor’s interaction and pieces of the course affect how students feel about the class and the community it creates. 

Dryen, G., & Vos, J. (1999). Personal thinking styles. Retrieved from

Dzakiria, H. (2008). Students' accounts of the need for continuous support in a distance learning programme, Open Learning, 23(2), 103-111. Retrieved from
A case study description that examines the learning support in distance learning.  Its topics range from feelings students have about becoming a student to dealing with failure.  It seemed to be more realistic about the problems students may have in converting to the world of online.

Garrison, D. R., Anderson, T., & Archer, W. (2000). Critical inquiry in a text-based environment: Computer conferencing in higher education. The Internet and Higher Education, 2(2-3), 87-105. Retrieved from    
A one-page description of the “Community of Inquiry” model with definitions and a link to the full pdf version. 

Gems, Emily. (n.d.) Color yellow meaning.  Retrieved from

Journey to Excellence. (2008). Lts: Online learning communities.  Retrieved from     
 Stephen Heppell gives a short history of learning and describes how we now help people help each other learn.  He tells how technology has changed the field of learning.  This is part of a series from Scotland.  I plan on looking at more by his as I found him very interesting and easy to see new ideas with.

Keller, J. (1999). Using the arcs motivational process in computer-based instruction and distance education. New Directions for Teaching & Learning, (78), 39. 

A lengthier article, this gives historical information about the ARCS model of motivational design; (A) for attention, (R) for relevance, (C) for confidence, and (S) for satisfaction. The main part compares three studies about motivation that showed which elements of motivation are predictable.  It also looked at how environment can affect learning.

Kuhlmann, T. (2009). Are your e-learning courses pushed or pulled?. Rapid E-Learning Blog,  Retrieved from       

This brief article gives the basics of how online learning has evolved from lessons that push information to the student to lessons that allow students to pull what they want in an upbeat, easy to understand writing.
LibraryThing. (2010).  Retrieved from

Mayall, K. (2007). Shape test.  Retrieved from

Minnesota service cooperative. (2010). Welcome to the Minnesota service cooperatives (msc) online learning community!.  Retrieved from 

Pickett, A. (Producer). (2007). Understanding online teaching presence.  Retrieved from       

A slideshow that covers the definitions of teaching presence and class community.  A nice overview of the subject of teaching presence online.

Puzziferro, M. (Producer). (2009). Challenging our assumptions about online learning: a vision for the next generation of online higher education.  Retrieved from

This is a longer slideshow that addresses the issues of how student-centered our online learning environments are, the accuracy of theories, and issues about quality.

Soloman, B., & Felder, R. (n.d.). Index of learning styles questionnaire.  Retrieved from

Thinkmap.Inc. (2010). Visual thesaurus. Retrieved from

Treadwell, P.,  Mudge, K., Buck, L., & Hargrave, R. (Producer). (2007). Building online learning communities.  Retrieved from          

This slideshow is about making an online course for forest farming.  It includes an overview of social presence and also has how this extends to the surrounding community.

All photos are the personal property of Laurie Villwock