Is Everybody HAPPY??


The job of host is very important throughout the event. The host continues to mingle briefly with the different groups in every room, making sure everyone has enough food and is mixing well with others. The host also keeps an eye on people’s emotions, seeking out problems before they become large enough to change the mood of the party. While your course is in session, how can you tell how things are going?

Questions to ask yourself:

Are any students expressing concerns about how they are being treated? Do they act safe by expressing their opinions and asking questions freely? Remind students to contact you if they are having problems. Address any concerns quickly and with respect.

Is everyone using the discussion threads? If someone is not using them, contact them and see why. They may not realize it is part of their assignment or they may not be familiar with the technology.

Do they understand what their tasks and sub-tasks are? Do students work together well to accomplish goals and projects? Is there a common sense of responsibility towards assignments?

Do students initiate their own discussion threads?

Do students ask challenging questions of each other?

Do students freely offer explanations, ideas, resources and critique each other without your prompting? Are they supportive of each other?

Learning will not take place when everyone is concentrating on the problems.  It is your job to make sure the problems do not distract students from looking at ideas together.